Friday, 15 February 2013

Free your memories, free your life.

Today I heard a great story. It was told by Jack Canfield the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul at a seminar that I was watching on YouTube.

He began by asking the audience if anyone had ever spent the night in hospital and of course many had. He then asked if anyone knew what a “We nurse” is and after a pause and a little banter with the audience he described a We nurse as someone who asks you things like “have we had breakfast yet” or “how are are we feeling today” and of course the worst of all “have we had a bowl movement today.”

Jack goes on to talk about a friend of his who had a stay in hospital and quickly got irritated by the We Nurse and one day got his chance to get even.

He had just been given his breakfast when the nurse came and informed him that “we need to provide a urine sample today”. He asked her to close the curtains and would be able to have one for her in a few minutes. As soon as he nurse had left poured some apple juice into the specimen jar and waited. When the nurse returned he handed her the sample, she looked at it and said it was looking quite cloudy today. Quick as a flash he took it back off her and proceeded to drink it and said to her “OK let me process it again and see if we can get it a little clearer this time.”

Jack's timing was perfect and he received the laughs that he was no doubt working towards. It's one of those stories that we have no way of knowing if it actually happened or not but as a favourite speaker of mine Ed Foreman says, if it didn't happen, then it ought to have.

It made me think though, isn't that story like our memories? That if we process them for a second time we are able to get them a little clearer, especially the embarrassing or painful ones. The problem is though if a we remember a situation in a negative light it becomes much harder to revisit it. A case in point would be things that happened to us as children or in our formative years. Those kind of memories tend to be stashed away and marked as 'do not visit' as we know that by reliving them we will again experience the pain, anguish and embarrassment all over again. The thing is though, these are exactly the memories that we do need to revisit. Something that happened to us when we were a child was processed with the intellect and live experience of a child. If we are able to look at it now in a new unit of time we can process the information again with our experience and intellect as it is today.

That is all very easy to say but it's not always so easy to do. If the memory is too painful we will most likely avoid it at all costs. At the very least once we begin to focus on it we will again begin to feel the original emotions and we become stressed. Stressed people neither remember clearly or process information logically and this is one of the things that EFT work excels at. When we approach these kind of memories, at the first sign of stress the practitioner will work with you to lower your stress levels. Often at this point something seemingly magical happens, the person remembers things that they have never consciously thought about before, like they suddenly have more information that has never been available in the past. It's not magic of course though it's extremely logical, de-stress a person and they remember more clearly it's as simple as that. Once the new information is available the person in their low stress state can process it in a way that they never have been able to before. They draw new conclusions and often see things in a whole new light. It's really not unusual at this point for people to become really excited and full of energy and at times people will literally be bouncing around the room. It's hardly surprising really, suppressing these memories as we tend to if they hurt is a little like locking a part of ourselves in a prison cell and suddenly we are releasing a part of us that has been chained up for years. Unlocking our memories really does unlock another little piece of ourselves and gives us a little more of that freedom that we all desire.